Park City Real Estate Trends

Park City Home Value Appraisals

By Todd Anderson
May 24, 2012

Two appraisals of the same Park City home result with a large dollar discrepancy.


A buying client of the Group was set to purchase a home and was paying cash. Even though it was technically unnecessary, we felt that an appraisal of the home would be good for everyone’s peace of mind ensuring that the second home they were buying was a good value. With the cash purchase, we were on a short timeline and our first choice of local Park City appraisers was on vacation. We asked around and got a few good recommendations for another qualified local appraiser. park-city-home-values.jpg


The buyers asked that the appraisal be made without the appraiser knowing the contract price of the home. The appraisal came back at approximately 10% below the agreed upon purchase price. Upon getting the appraisal, the Sellers agreed to pay for another appraisal (feeling that this one was incorrect).


For the second appraisal, the Sellers gave the appraiser (another respected local Park City appraiser) a copy of the Purchase Contract. This time the home appraised at the contracted purchase price (10% above the previous appraisal).


We asked both appraisers about their findings. Both stood behind their appraisal values for the home but there were some interesting differences.


Most of the homes used as the comparable sales were the same. In looking at the two appraisals and the adjustments made for the same subject property values of the same item were very different. While one gave a $2500 adjustment for A/C, the other valued it at $5000. A fireplace was valued by one appraiser at $4000 while the other valued it at $2500. One placed a dollar value on the hot tub while the other considered it personal property not attached to the home and gave it no value. The largest discrepancy between the two appraisals was the adjustment for size; one gave a $30/sq ft adjustment versus a similar home (same number of beds, baths, kitchen, etc.) while the other valued the added space at $70/sq ft. This difference was magnified by the 100 sq ft difference between the two measurements stated in the appraisals.


Which one of the appraisals was correct? As it is with most things, it depends upon which side of the transaction you are on. I believe that the value lies somewhere in-between.


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Cras interdum viverra erat, lobortis semper enim commodo non. Cras pellentesque tristique felis, quis ultricies orci dignissim in. Sed iaculis fringilla urna, laoreet rhoncus nisi bibendum quis. Vivamus interdum facilisis nibh, eu mollis risus rhoncus at. Curabitur accumsan orci sed justo vulputate in consectetur eros facilisis. Sed a consequat metus. Nunc condimentum, nisi quis semper gravida, enim massa molestie mi, et porta augue massa quis libero. Morbi a viverra mauris. Quisque tristique, neque eu ullamcorper auctor, est sapien dignissim lorem, et pulvinar risus velit vitae orci. Praesent commodo, justo id pharetra feugiat, eros est eleifend odio, quis semper augue mauris vitae sem. Phasellus semper purus in nisi dictum consequat. Donec eros felis, tempor sit amet adipiscing sit amet, pharetra a dolor. Suspendisse eget faucibus justo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut dui risus, id venenatis tortor. Maecenas a nibh enim. Nulla pretium velit sed urna ullamcorper eget feugiat justo volutpat. Duis dapibus sem sit amet arcu consequat molestie. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque vel urna metus, at ultricies sapien. Donec et purus vel augue feugiat posuere id et diam.

Cras interdum viverra erat, lobortis semper enim commodo non. Cras pellentesque tristique felis, quis ultricies orci dignissim in. Sed iaculis fringilla urna, laoreet rhoncus nisi bibendum quis. Vivamus interdum facilisis nibh, eu mollis risus rhoncus at. Curabitur accumsan orci sed justo vulputate in consectetur eros facilisis. Sed a consequat metus. Nunc condimentum, nisi quis semper gravida, enim massa molestie mi, et porta augue massa quis libero. Morbi a viverra mauris. Quisque tristique, neque eu ullamcorper auctor, est sapien dignissim lorem, et pulvinar risus velit vitae orci. Praesent commodo, justo id pharetra feugiat, eros est eleifend odio, quis semper augue mauris vitae sem. Phasellus semper purus in nisi dictum consequat. Donec eros felis, tempor sit amet adipiscing sit amet, pharetra a dolor. Suspendisse eget faucibus justo.

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